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Burglar Alarm Reviews

Our independent burglar alarm reviews dig a little deeper into the finer details of the UK's largest alarms companies, their systems and pricing.

ADT Alarms

ADT, originally part of industrial conglomerate Tyco International Ltd, recently merged with Johnson Controls Inc (JCI) to create the leader in building products and technology, integrated solutions and energy storage. ADT are probably the most recognised provider of home security systems in the UK. Did you know they also operate in more than 60 countries around the world? Read our ADT alarms review.

ADT alarm - Keyholder response

The ADT Keyholder package is a monitored wireless burglar alarm for £49 plus £29.99 a month, key-holder response only.

ADT alarm - Police response

The ADT Police package is a Grade 2 monitored wireless burglar alarm for £549 plus £32.99 a month with police response.

Other Professional Installed Alarm Systems with National Coverage

Verisure alarm

Verisure UK offer a wireless monitored smart alarm system with guard response. Get 50% Off this month.

Secom alarm

Secom Plc offer a wireless monitored home alarm system from £250.90 plus £26.83 a month.

British Gas security alarm

British Gas Safe & Secure is a home monitoring wireless alarm system from £199 plus monthly fee.

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